Self-employed? File your small business taxes with an Expert.

Freelance, contract or gig work all have challenges, so you need to calculate your own income when you do your taxes. With the help of seasoned Tax Experts you can be certain to get the most out of tax season.

Small business

Let us focus on your taxes, so you can focus on your business.

From tax advice to helping you understand your reporting and installment deadlines, we’ll customize a service plan to fit your business goals and your budget. To get the most out of your return, we offer services that are:


We offer competitive pricing that delivers great value.


Our dedicated Tax Experts complete thousands of self-employed returns every year. They'll make sure you claim every self-employment deduction and business expense to lower what you may owe.


Whether you want to come in, drop off, or file virtually - our trained Tax Experts can help you anyway you like. Or, file yourself using our tax software that specializes in self-employed tax situations.

Available year-round

We have offices open year-round to answer any of your tax questions, help you with any communication you may receive from CRA, and any other tax needs you may have.

Online Tax Software

Self Employed Package

$49.99 / per return

Pay when you file

All Features.

Self-Employed Tax Toolkit.

Self-Employment Expense and Deduction Calculators.

A Simplified Workflow Built for Business Owners and Professionals.

Maximize Credits and Tax Deductions in an Easy and Interactive Way.

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What to bring to your tax appointment.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Use our comprehensive self-employed tax checklist to find out all you need to know.

Where to start?

We have several resources to help you get started. Visit our numerous blogs about the gig-economy, self-employed or small business taxes.

Need help with Bookkeeping & Payroll?

At participating offices only, we'll take care of all your small business bookkeeping, accounting and tax needs, including:

  • Payroll
  • GST remittance
  • Ledgers and journals
  • Financial statements
  • Year-end T4 summary and supplements
  • GST returns
  • Personal tax returns

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